Read: WHO Guidelines For Laboratory Diagnosis Of Avian Influenza Infection - 1
Preparing to collect specimens
Clinical specimens should be collected as described below and added to transport medium. Nasal or nasopharyngeal swabs can be combined in the same vial of virus transport medium. When possible, the following information should be recorded on the Field Data Collection Form: general patient information, type of specimens, date of collection, and contact information of person completing the form, etc.
Standad precautions should always be followed, and barrier protections applied whenever samples are obtained from patients.
Nasal swab
A dry polyester swab is inserted into the nostril, parallel to the palate, and left in place for a few seconds. It is then slowly withdrawn with a rotating motion. Specimens from both nostrils are obtained with the same swab. The tip of the swab is put into a plastic vial containing 2–3 ml of virus transport medium and the applicator stick is broken off.
Nasopharyngeal swab
A flexible, fine-shafted polyester swab is inserted into the nostril and back to the nasopharynx and left in place for a few seconds. It is then slowly withdrawn with a rotating motion. A second swab should be used for the second nostril. The tip of the swab is put into a vial containing 2–3 ml of virus transport medium and the shaft cut.
Nasopharyngeal aspirate
Nasopharyngeal secretions are aspirated through a catheter connected to a mucus trap and fitted to a vacuum source. The catheter is inserted into the nostril parallel to the palate. The vacuum is applied and the catheter is slowly withdrawn with a rotating motion. Mucus from the other nostril is collected with the same catheter in a similar manner. After mucus has been collected from both nostrils, the catheter is flushed with 3 ml of transport medium.
Nasal wash
The patient sits in a comfortable position with the head slightly tilted backward and is advised to keep the pharynx closed by saying "K" while the washing fluid (usually physiological saline) is applied to the nostril. With a transfer pipette, 1–1.5 ml of washing fluid is instilled into one nostril at a time. The patient then tilts the head forward and lets the washing fluid flow into a specimen cup or a Petri dish. The process is repeated with alternate nostrils until a total of 10–15 ml of washing fluid has been used. Dilute approximately 3 ml of washing fluid 1:2 in transport medium.
Throat swab
Both tonsils and the posterior pharynx are swabbed vigorously, and the swab is placed in transport medium as described above.
Sera collection for influenza diagnosis
An acute-phase serum specimen (3–5 ml of whole blood) should be taken soon after onset of clinical symptoms and not later than 7 days after onset. A convalescent-phase serum specimen should be collected 14 days after the onset of symptoms. Where patients are near death, a second ante-mortem specimen should be collected.
Although single serum specimens may not provide conclusive evidence in support of an individual diagnosis, when taken more than 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms they can be useful for detecting antibodies against avian influenza viruses in a neutralization test.
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